Quality problems in all types of operations can silently erode profit margins. This gauge measures First Pass Quality on a 7-Day Rolling average basis. With this metric in place, everyone can respond when the number drifts off normal. And everyone can see when improvements begin to take hold or when improvements start to slip.


Knowledge is the key differentiator and the key resource for all organizations. With a gauge that measures Knowledge Development Activities Completed per Month, an organization can clearly see if their plan is on schedule or not. Knowledge development is a long-term investment and unless it’s brought to the forefront, the tyranny of the urgent will shove it to the end of the line every time.


Revenue is everything. This gauge measures Funnel Health to Plan which is a combination of organization specific weighted metrics possibly including unique website hits per month, website engagements, prospects added, projects identified, sales calls completed, RFQ received, quotes issued and purchase orders received. If this metric falls off plan, it should be all hands on deck until it’s back on plan or better.

Pilots don’t use Profit & Loss statements to fly airplanes.  Airlines provide pilots with gauges, checklists and co-pilots to help them make the right decisions.  Organizations, like airliners, are complex and to navigate them to profitable destinations executives need the right gauges.  With the right gauges in place and available to everyone change can happen quickly and will be lasting.  As Peter Drucker said, “What gets measured gets improved.”

Imagine to the right of your laptop on your desk is a small dashboard like one from a classic car but without the steering wheel.  The set of gauges facing you are specifically designed for your organization, its vision, mission, strategies and tactics.  The gauges are updated in real time as actions are taking place by your staff in your organization.  What’s truly critical to the success of your organization is right there ever-present on your desk and from now on nothing escapes your eye. 

These gauges were carefully tailored for you and your organization.  These are the right gauges guaranteed to deliver the success you’ve been aiming for.  Because of this expert gauge tailoring you and your staff are now very clear about what needs to be done.  If the needle on just one gauge falls below target, even for a few seconds, everyone instantly knows about it and everyone knows that if something isn’t done ASAP they can expect a call from you asking what their recovery action is and when the gauge will be back to normal.  You know when the problem has been addressed correctly because out of the corner of your eye you can see the gauge has recovered. 

Now that you’ve had the gauges in place for a bit you discover that operations all over your company are running smoother than ever before.  You’re not engaged in as much firefighting as in the past.  People are taking responsibility like never before and things are just happening.  There are still meetings to resolve the really tough challenges but even those meetings run better because there’s a really clear focus on what needs to happen to get the gauge back to where it needs to be.  The old posturing, dodging, finger-pointing and not following up is gone.  Things just get done and improvements happen almost like clockwork.

You start to notice that your time is more your own than ever before.  You’ve started to think about what your business needs to look like in the future.  Markets and technology are always changing and now you have the time to keep up.  You’ve been able to set up a few real world experiments inside your company to test yourselves and the markets to see where you’ll be able to be successful in the future.   You’re starting to see what kind of company you need to build to succeed in the future and you have the time to start building it today.  

And to think that it all started with making a commitment to building the right gauges to pilot your organization to a successful destination.  Make that commitment today.


Austin-Glenmore & Company delivers dramatic results in two strategic areas, enhancing the predictability and profitability of the existing business and creating a new business today for an inevitably different tomorrow.

The company’s founder, Matt Edison, spent a career in manufacturing organizations of all sizes starting at a multinational and most recently at a start-up, in markets including commodity and specialty chemicals as well as components for space mechanisms and radar, in a wide variety of roles up to and including President. 

Matt has been a maverick leader his entire career always on the lookout for innovative ways to achieve results combined with the drive to get things done.  His ability to ask the right questions and listen intently leads to insights that help clarify strategy and chart the right course.  His enthusiasm and optimism help build and maintain the momentum needed to tackle difficult challenges. 

Austin-Glenmore works with business owners, Presidents, CEOs and senior-level executives to tailor approaches, like the gauges above, to create results. Methodologies vary according to the needs of the client and may include weekly results reviews, periodic half-day strategy sessions and even weekly full day on-sites leading change efforts.  The results of these efforts are a better performing business today and an organization prepared to successfully tackle the challenges of tomorrow.



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